What Aligns With How You’re Wired?

Is this it, finally? … Or, am I just going to change my mind, again?

Ah, the struggle of the multi-passionate!

When I find a new thing — an interest, a career path, etc. — I get so excited, and it really, truly does feel like I’ve finally found “THE thing”.

But I’m clear enough, now, to know — it probably isn’t. I probably will lose interest, again, eventually. Story of my life.

And yet, if I stop to look hard enough, I can see that there are some things that stick . . . I’ve not lost my interest in everything I’ve explored. Some things managed to take hold and stay put.

So, what’s the difference?

I believe some of these things just happen to align with how I’m wired. The rest — well, perhaps that’s just due to my insatiable curiosity, and my desire to explore.

Some of the things that have stood the test of time with me include:

✔️ a love of books & reading
✔️ love of entrepreneurship
✔️ marriage
✔️ creativity & love of design
✔️ love of music & dancing

“I don’t know much. Only that I am passionately curious.”

Albert Einstein

Do you struggle to stick with things? Have you managed to find some things that do stick around, though?

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