Jenn is the first person that introduced me to what a multi-passionate was. It felt like she was speaking directly to me, and I was finally being understood. It finally made sense why I skipped around for years, searching for what I was meant to do… it’s the multi-passionate in me, and I never knew it. Knowing there are other people like me made me feel accepted, and that there is nothing wrong with me!! It’s who I am, which is a great thing!!! Thanks, Jenn!
Jenn is a human encyclopedia when it comes to literally anything and everything. I have asked her a question, and she gives me a list of ten resources to go look at. I’ve asked her for some type of resource, and she doesn’t just give you one, she gives you a ton! She gets all sides and angles. I so appreciate all of the help Jenn has given me and the people in my community.


Jenn is great at listening and helping lead you to the answer that was in your heart all along. She has a great deal of experience going through the problems that new entrepreneurs face, and has a library of resources at her disposal that she’s always willing to share. I think what she helped me most with is my self-confidence, and understanding that I can pursue the business I’m growing.