
Top 5 Books for Multi-Passionate Creatives

Do you have stacks of books waiting to be read piled around your home? Do your stacks range wildly in subject because there are so many different things you are interested in and want to learn about? Books are a great way to expand your horizons but itā€™s not uncommon for multi-passionate creatives to get overwhelmed by their many interests, ideas, and passions. 

If you are an overwhelmed creative, consider moving these five books to the top of your TBR pile. Written by authors who understand multi-passionate personalities, these books will give you better insight into your personality type, as well as advice and inspiration from authors who are a little further along in their journey.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, meaning that if you choose to click through and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no cost to you.

THE RENAISSANCE SOUL by Margaret Lobenstine

Subtitled ā€œLife Design for People with Too Many Passions to Pick Just Oneā€ this book defines a Renaissance Soul as someone who is constantly seeking new challenges and has expressed interest in a wide variety of areas. In other words: a multi-passionate creative! Packed full of tips, youā€™ll get fresh advice for those who donā€™t do well with standard time-management advice and career ideas to help you discover your own unique path. Plus, there are exercises to help you learn to narrow your focus and give higher quality attention to your current top interests. This book lives up to its promise to help you design a life you love!

REFUSE TO CHOOSE by Barbara Sher

Barbara Sher coined the term ā€œScannersā€–a personality type of people who want to do it all and have trouble focusing on just one thing at a time. In this book, she walks through the nine different types of scanners, devoting a chapter to each type. The book also includes career ideas for each scanner type and practical tips and tools to help you explore your interests. If you need validation that itā€™s okay to have multiple interests and feel like you could use an instruction manual to live your life the way you want, this thought-provoking book should be your next read!

HOW TO BE EVERYTHING by Emilie Wapnick

Subtitled ā€œA guide for those who (still) donā€™t know what they want to be when they grow up,ā€ this is the book for those who have never been able to answer the question of what, exactly, they want to do with their life. Based on the authorā€™s TED talk, the book is full of advice and activities to help you build a framework that allows you to design your life and career around all your skills and interests. Tackling everything from dealing with insecurity to establishing a career, this book is sure to give you a boost of confidence as you pursue your unique path.


If you are in need of a pep talk to tell you that you can figure out how to live the life you want, start reading this book immediately! Both engaging and entertaining, this book will help you shift your mindset to one of confidence. If you feel stuck, the author shares strategies to help you ā€œretrain your brainā€ and get moving again. Writing prompts throughout the book will help you as you figure things out so you can start achieving your goals.

A LIFE AT WORK by Thomas Moore

This book serves as a guide to discovering your purpose and understanding how all of the work you do throughout your life shapes your journey. If you are feeling a disconnect between your job and your calling, this book will help you discover how to close that gap. If you are considering making big changes in your life, read this book first to gain perspective and find tools for uncovering what really matters to you.

Fellow multi-passionates, Iā€™d love to know: have you read any of these? Are there any other books that should be on this list?

Top 5 Books for Multi-Passionate Creatives

Feeling Scattered? Try These 3 Simple Tricks To Get Clarity

We all have days (or weeks) where we are scattered and overwhelmed, where we feel pulled in too many directions. Maybe you have a million ideas and donā€™t know which one to start with. Maybe you feel like you are sinking under the weight of undone tasks. Or maybe, every time you find a minute to start on an important project you get interrupted, and finding focus seems impossible.

Whatever the reason, here are three simple tricks to try when you are feeling scattered.


Whether you can only squeeze in a quick walk around the block, or you are able to head to a local trail for a longer stroll, getting outside and moving your body will help clear the fog. Leave your phone at home (or put it on do not disturb). Resist the temptation to turn on music or a podcast. Just let your mind wander. See what pops to the surface. You might be surprised by the solutions to nagging problems that your brain comes up with during a walk. Did you know there is a link between walking and creative thinking? Sometimes a brief change of scenery and a little fresh air is all you need to regain focus.


You can turn this into an experience by lighting a candle and sitting down with your favorite notepad, fanciest pen, and drink of choiceā€”or you can just grab a sheet of printer paper and the nearest pen. Though there are lots of list-making apps out there, consider doing this the old-fashioned way: research shows that writing by hand improves your memory.

Once youā€™ve collected your supplies, start writing ā€” write anything that comes to mind, no matter how big or small. Flip through your planner, scroll through your emails and texts, and get every single to-do down on paper. Nothing is too small to add to the list. Donā€™t worry about it looking prettyā€”just focus on getting everything floating around in your head down on paper.

Once you have your list drafted, you might want to break it down into a few categories. Grab your highlighters to color code, or get out a new sheet of paper to make a clean copy. You can organize by category (work, home, project) or by type of task (email, phone call, errand).

Then start small. What on this list can be done in five minutes or less? Set a timer for twenty minutes and knock off as many as you can.

Next, prioritize whatā€™s left. Decide whatā€™s urgent and what can wait. Break down the bigger projects into smaller steps, make a planā€”and donā€™t forget to write your plan down!


Both physical and digital clutter can make you feel scattered, and calming the chaos will help you find clarity.

  • Is your overflowing inbox keeping you from seeing the emails you really need? Unsubscribe is your friend.
  • Have emails you donā€™t need to see every day but want to keep for reference? Set up folders and file them away.
  • Is social media too much for you right now? Constantly consuming others’ content can make it difficult to figure out what direction you need to go. Think about who you are following and consider how they make you feel. It might be time to unfollow or mute accounts that arenā€™t serving you.

If you are feeling especially overwhelmed every time you open social media, think about taking a breakā€”a week off is a great place to startā€”or setting a dedicated time away from those apps each week. Think about logging off during the weekends or choosing to stay offline for a certain time block during the day.

Physical clutter can make you feel scattered too. Is your kitchen counter piled with bills? Set a timer for twenty minutes and see what you can sort through. Stand right by the trash can while you sort so you can get rid of the junk immediately. Is there an area of your house that stresses you out the most when itā€™s a mess? Because the kitchen is a hub of activity, people often find that keeping the kitchen clean and clutter-free is more impactful than any other area of the home. Take a few minutes to tackle the clutter and get ready to find clarity!

Next time you are feeling scattered, donā€™t let yourself spin further out into chaos. Instead, take a deep breath and pick one of these simple tricks to start regaining control of your day.

Feeling Scattered? Try These 3 Simple Tricks To Get Clarity Read More Ā»

Are You Multi-Passionate? Here’s How to Tell

Let’s see if any of these statements sounds familiar to you:

  • I can never stick to anything
  • I know I should focus on one thing, but which one?
  • I keep going off on a tangent!
  • I lose interest in things I thought would interest me forever
  • I get bored as soon as I know how to do something
  • I keep changing my mind about what I want to do & end up doing nothing
  • I work at low-paying jobs because there’s nothing I’m willing to commit to
  • I won’t choose a career because it might be the wrong one
  • I pull away from what I’m doing because I’m afraid I’ll miss something better
  • I’m too busy, but when I do find time, I can’t remember what I wanted to do!

You are genetically wired to be interested in many things, and that’s exactly what you’ve been trying to do! [But] because your behavior is unfamiliar & unsettling to the people around you, you’ve been taught that you’re doing something wrong, and you must try to change. . . And, unless you know who you are, you’re going to agree with them!

Refuse to Choose by Barbara Sher

I recall when I first learned about being multi-passionate, back in 2012, when I came across the book, “The Renaissance Soul” by Margaret Lobenstine. As I read, I remember feeling such relief — there wasn’t something “wrong” with me, after all … and better yet, there were lots of others out there, just like me!

Over the years, as I’ve learned more about being multi-passionate, and as I’ve seen more and more people writing about these personality traits, I’ve come to recognize that we really aren’t all that “odd”. In fact, I’d even venture to say that it’s the “Specialists” (those who’ve always known what they wanted to do and could stick with something for a lifetime) who are the rarity.

Think about it: How many people in your sphere of friends, family, and acquaintances have always stuck with ONE thing? I’d bet they are few and far between!

So, if you read through the list above and could see yourself as a multi-passionate individual, congratulations … you are completely normal! šŸ˜›


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Are You Multi-Passionate? Here’s How to Tell

Finding Your Way As a Multi-Passionate Creative

As a multi-passionate creative, it can be extremely tough to narrow down what you want to do. How do you choose which idea to pursue when you have so many, and when they all sound so interesting?

Since we obviously can’t pursue every idea all at once, we need to practice patience. Then, I believe, we need to follow our curiosity.

In my eight years (thus far) of self-employment, I’ve done just that — followed my curiosity.

I originally started with what I knew: I’d gone to school for office administration, and had worked as a secretary for several years. I’d also been a book blogger and independent book reviewer for the previous eight years. So, my first business idea was to be a Virtual Assistant for authors.

Yet, as I spoke to the various authors I met, I discovered that what they most needed help with was marketing and promotion. So, I shifted my business to help these authors get their books seen.

After about a year, I was restless. I knew that doing this kind of work wasn’t the best fit for me, so I questioned what I’d rather be doing. And, with some journaling and self-reflection, I decided to try being a professional blogger.

This didn’t really take off, though, as I would’ve needed a larger audience in order for the ads and affiliate programs to even be available to me, or for them to produce a worthwhile income. So, it was back to the drawing board.

After more self-reflection and journaling, I realized that I had always felt drawn to things like coaching, advising, and mentoring. So, I figured I would try coaching, especially since people seemed to be able to get started in this fairly easily.

Much to my surprise, I landed my first client within the same week! (I had made mention of my new services on Facebook, inside of a group, during one of their promo days, and found someone from that).

Turns out, I had found a piece of my puzzle (the bigger picture of how I was created to serve, using my innate gifts). Coaching felt like what I was meant to do.

ā–ŗ RELATED: Find YOUR unique blueprint for how you can best serve the world, here.

Part way through my first year of coaching, however, I got distracted when a friend (re-)introduced me to network marketing (NWM). [I’d been an independent consultant with The Pampered Chef years before, but hadn’t realized it was part of the larger industry known as network marketing].

Thus began three (3) years of trying to continue building my own coaching business, while also chasing the network marketing opportunity. And, in that same time frame, I ended up testing out seven different NWM companies, looking for one that fit me best… to no avail. (I have since come to realize that it’s because marketing isn’t one of my core strengths.)

My time spent pursuing that industry did teach me a lot about running an online business, mind you. And it helped me to learn more about what does and doesn’t work for me. Plus, as an added bonus, I met a lot of amazing people through NWM — including my own coach, Crystal!

As of 2020, I finally stopped trying to force myself to fit an ideal I’d held in my mind’s eye, and I admitted to myself that NWM wasn’t where I was supposed to be. I also realized that I couldn’t properly build 2 separate businesses at the same time — especially not if I wanted to do things well. Instead, I needed to devote all of my time, energy, and attention to growing just one of them, first. And once that business was running successfully, then I could choose to take on something else, if I still wished to do so.

Sure enough, once I began to give all of myself to my coaching business, I started to make progress, again.

Now, has it been completely easy? No.

Have I decided on a single idea to pursue, at the expense of all the others? Also no.

I still get new ideas all the time! And some do seriously tempt me to change my course.

However, I have done so much self-reflection, searching, and journaling in the past eight years, in order to understand who I am and how I am wired to best use my gifts to make an impact & income, that most of the new ideas that cross my path, now, just aren’t appealing enough to pull me away from the business model I am currently focused on pursuing.

If you need help getting that same level of clarity, so that you can be content with the path that best fits you, check out my “My Unique Blueprint” mini-course. It will walk you through the same process I went through, and help you to find your best-fit path to making an impact and an income (but it won’t take you seven years, like it took me!).

Finding Your Way As a Multi-Passionate Creative

Ever Shifting

As a multi-passionate creative, it can be really hard to stay consistent. All of the entrepreneurial (or, marketing) “gurus” will tell you that you must be consistent, or you will lose your audience’s attention. (Heck, I can’t even keep hold of my own attention! LOL — Squirrel!)

But, here’s the thing. . .

Once you understand who you are at your core, and what makes you come alive — once you know what does and does not work for you — consistency becomes so much easier. You begin to see ways you can work with your tendencies, instead of trying to fight against them in some wild attempt to conform to the “shoulds”.

As an example . . .

Not long ago, I discovered that the thread that ties everything I love together is GROWTH. I used to think it was “freedom”, or maybe “possibility”. But, now I’m clear (and Growth actually encompasses both freedom & possibility!).

RELATED: Get clear on YOUR overarching theme!

Knowing that “Growth” is my overarching theme, I’m now able to understand what does and does not fit with this, and it enables me to make decisions about my work far more easily. It’s like my North Star.

Recently, when –once again– thinking about changing up my content, I had an “aha”. I realized that my own topics will forever be shifting and changing, because I am constantly in the process of learning new things, and upgrading my mindset and knowledge. This –in essence– is what GROWTH is . . . forever evolving.

So, instead of fighting it in the name of “consistency”, I’m now relieved to see that I am still being consistent by remaining true to my overarching theme of growth… even if my content under that umbrella may shift and change, as I go along.

Now, how can you find that same freedom to work with your tendencies instead of against them? Here are 3 simple steps to get started:


These don’t have to be all work-related. If you love it, write it down. Write down things you’re currently into, and things you used to be enthralled by. Everything goes on this list.


Once you’re done making your list, look it over and see if you find any patterns or commonalities. For example, maybe you love freedom, and possibilities, and personal development, and personality types, like me. In that case, you might say “growth” is a commonality between it all.


It may take some time, or a few tries, to figure out your own “North Star”. Like I said, my own switched up a couple of times before I found the one that best fit who I really am.

And, if you need help, I’m here to walk you through this discovery process. My Unique Blueprint self-coaching guide does just that, so feel free to have a look.

Ever Shifting

How to Decide Which Path to Pursue

So many people have a ton of great ideas — they just have no idea which of these they should pursue, and they are terrified of getting it “wrong” — of choosing the “wrong” thing.

There are, however, ways to move forward, and feel confident in your decision. Here are 3 tips to help you choose…


Sure, whatever you choose may or may not be a right fit for you. But, you had to make that choice in order to make that discovery. It’s a lesson, so learn it and then move on to the next thing. Know that you can always make another choice … you are never stuck.


Just going over and over the options inside of your head will never do you any good. It only serves to make you frustrated, and leaves you going around in circles (speaking from experience!). The only way to truly know if something will or will not work for you is to get out of your head, and do something with your options.

Maybe you try this new job or path for a while (an internship, perhaps?). Or, maybe you talk to someone already working in that line of work about what it’s really like, day-to-day. You could even try shadowing someone at their job, for a time, to get a feel for the type of work and its environment.

But again, you must get out of your head if you want to truly find your answer.


Several years ago, when I was stuck in a job that I hated, I got out a piece of paper and made two lists: Jobs I’d Loved & Jobs I’d Hated (really, it was more like lists of tasks at each of my previous jobs that I’d either enjoyed or couldn’t stand). I listed out everything I could think of, whether these jobs had been paid, or volunteer, or even just odd jobs done for family members. Some of the items on my lists included:

Loved: lots of sunlight | freedom to make decisions | no strict dress code | able to generate ideas.

Hated: micromanaging boss | confined to a single spot all day | uniforms | being on-call.

Having these two lists, and the awareness these gave me, helped my next job to be so much better! It was near-perfect for me (as far as 9-to-5’s go). I had a ton of autonomy, didn’t have to get dressed up, was never called to cover a shift, and my boss was pretty cool!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Really, the main point to remember is that you can always make a different choice. Heck, what I went to school for isn’t even close to what I now do for a living! But it took a lot of trial and error to figure out my true path. Nevertheless, I’ve found it and can now confidently reassure you that you, too, will eventually find your way.

LEAVE A COMMENT and tell me three of the options you are currently considering. I’d love to hear about what interests you!

How to Decide Which Path to Pursue

What Aligns With How You’re Wired?

Is this it, finally? … Or, am I just going to change my mind, again?

Ah, the struggle of the multi-passionate!

When I find a new thing — an interest, a career path, etc. — I get so excited, and it really, truly does feel like I’ve finally found “THE thing”.

But I’m clear enough, now, to know — it probably isn’t. I probably will lose interest, again, eventually. Story of my life.

And yet, if I stop to look hard enough, I can see that there are some things that stick . . . I’ve not lost my interest in everything I’ve explored. Some things managed to take hold and stay put.

So, what’s the difference?

I believe some of these things just happen to align with how I’m wired. The rest — well, perhaps that’s just due to my insatiable curiosity, and my desire to explore.

Some of the things that have stood the test of time with me include:

āœ”ļø a love of books & reading
āœ”ļø love of entrepreneurship
āœ”ļø marriage
āœ”ļø creativity & love of design
āœ”ļø love of music & dancing

“I don’t know much. Only that I am passionately curious.”

Albert Einstein

Do you struggle to stick with things? Have you managed to find some things that do stick around, though?

What Aligns With How You’re Wired?

Why You Are Not Crazy

Picture this: You find something to do that you really enjoy, so you dive in and completely, happily submerse yourself in learning all you can. You feel like you’ve found your “thing”.

But, after a while, you start to get restless. You wonder if this isn’t really your thing, after all, and your attention wanders.

All-of-a-sudden, you discover something else that ignites a spark in you! So, abandoning the first thing, you dive into this new thing and completely, happily submerse yourself in learning all you can.

But after a while, you once again start to feel restless…

Sound familiar?

I am here to reassure you that you are not actually “crazy” … or “flighty”… or “immature” … or “lazy”. You are, in fact, a multi-passionate!

MULTIPASSIONATE: “a person who has many different interests and creative pursuits in life.”  (aka: Renaissance Soul | Generalist | Scanner | Multipotenialite)

When I first discovered the concept of multi-passionates, through reading “The Renaissance Soul” (Margaret Lobenstine), I was so relieved! Family had always told me I needed to “settle down” and “just pick something, already!” So, I was constantly at war within myself. It felt nearly impossible to choose one thing, and accept that this would be my fate. It scared me.

Yet, on learning that there were others who were just like me — that I wasn’t actually supposed to stay with one thing forever — I was overjoyed!

Back in the Renaissance days, studying in multiple fields was actually encouraged. It was a good thing to be interested in music, and art, and mathematics, and scientific inquiries.

And, check this out: It’s a very sought-after thing, these days, to be adaptable… to know a lot about many different topics is actually to your benefit! Employers love to see people who pick up new skills easily. You’re already ahead of those who don’t care to learn more, preferring to think they “know enough” already.

Here are just a few ways you can use this aspect of your personality to your advantage:

  1. Highlight your adaptability and flexibility when applying for jobs.
  2. Become a resource — share your knowledge wherever you see a need.
  3. Combine several of your loves to form a new path of employment for yourself!
  4. Appreciate the variety in your life — that you’re never stuck in one place, forever.
  5. Think about the many new people you’re getting to meet, in all of these different areas — this makes you a master networker!

So, be encouraged. Own the fact that you love a lot of things! Accept that you’ll always feel bored once you’ve “mastered” knowledge of a certain topic, and see it as a good thing that you’re ready to learn something new!

Why You Are Not Crazy

Passion vs. Curiosity

ā€œFollow Your Passionā€œ. Itā€™s a phrase weā€™ve heard over and over and over. Yet, recently, I was introduced to another view of this concept, thanks to author Elizabeth Gilbert. She has had a change of heart ā€¦ and so have I.

Elizabeth Gilbert was asked to speak at one of Oprahā€™s Super Soul Sessions, a while back. Her topic was titled ā€œFlight of the Hummingbird: The Curiosity-Driven Lifeā€œ. This is the talk she gave:

And, because some of you may be more like me, preferring to read, over watching the video (though, I do still highly recommend you watch the video, if you have time ā€¦ Liz is a great speaker!), Iā€™ve transcribed the video for your convenience:

[Oprah gives intro] [Liz:] Sweeties! Sweethearts, my loves, weā€™re here, in so much graceā€¦ Thank you. Thank you so much. So listen, Iā€™m here today to do something that, I have to be honest with you, that I never in a million years thought I would ever do. I am here today to speak out against passion. You heard me right: against passion. And I know it sounds very strange and weird, but I want you to stay with me on this. Because I really believe what I have to say here, today, may bring a measure of comfort, specifically to some of you, in particular, and Iā€™m hoping it really will.

But I have to back up for a minute, and just say, to come clean, that I am the least likely person in the world ever to become a committed anti-passion spokeswoman. The fact is that I have led my entire life guided by passion. Particularly in regard to my work as a writer, which is a vocation I have been chasing my entire life with a love that you could call obsessive.

I can barely even remember a time before I knew that I was going to be a writer, that I had to be a writer, that I needed to be a writer, that I was going to be a writer, no matter what it took.

I was probably like 5 or 6; I was a book-loving child. And, I remember I pieced it together, at last, that books do not just magically appear out of the ether, but that people make them. They create them, from their imaginations. And that kind of person who does that, is called a Writer. And once I had that piece of information, that was it: my destiny, from that point forward, was sealed, I made my decision. And I have never veered from that passion since.

I have to be very honest with you, because it would be disingenuous of me to play at anything else: Passion has worked for me. Passion was the thing that kept me writing in the new, early years, before anybody else except me cared about what I was doing. For a long time, I made a living as a diner waitress, and a bartender. And passion was the thing that made me come home from those long shifts, smelling like other peopleā€™s French fries, with really sore feet, after a really long day at work, and then I would take off my shoes and sit down, and go to my real work. And that real work was Writing. I did that, day after day and year after year. Even when I was getting nothing out of it, except for rejection letter, after rejection letter, after rejection letter. But I didnā€™t care.

I didnā€™t love it. No one loves being rejected. But passion ā€” my passion for writing was so big that it made me stay in the game, even through all of the obstacles. And then, finally, I got lucky enough to become a published writer. Then, in 2006, I got really lucky. I wrote this book called, ā€œEat, Pray, Loveā€ ā€” you remember that one? ā€” and, it became really successful, much to my surprise. And as soon as that happened, as soon as I became successful, THIS started to happenā€¦ people started putting a microphone in my hand, and they would send me up on stage, and they would ask me to stand there and speak about how I had gotten there, and what I had learned.

And so, of course, the minute I had the opportunity to speak in public about the thing I cared about and believed in the most, what did I talk about? Passion. What else would it have been? There was no other subject, as far as I was concerned. Passion, to me, was everything. It was the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, the one true path, and the only way forward. And so, in audiences across the world, I would just stand there on stage and I would say some variation of this, night after night.

ā€œYou know what you have to do, every single one of you? You have to identify your passion. You have to identify that tower of flame within you that will be your guiding, purposeful light. You have to find that thing that makes you feel like your head is on fire, that makes you feel like thereā€™s a soul revolution going on deep inside your rib cage, that makes you feel like you would sacrifice and risk everything for that thing, that nothing else matters, that thing that you KNOW you were born to do. Then you have to get every molecule of your being, and youā€™ve got to funnel it directly and powerfully into that thing, that one thing, and no other thing. And youā€™ve got to focus on that forever, and that way, and only that way, will you succeed.ā€

Iā€™d be up there on stage, and Iā€™d be quoting Vince Lombardi, and Iā€™d be quoting Winston Churchill, and Iā€™d be quoting Eleanor Roosevelt, and Iā€™d be quoting Jonathan ā€œfreakinā€™ā€ Livingston Seagull, and Iā€™d be telling people that ā€˜if you can dream it you can be itā€™, and that youā€™ve got to ā€˜jump so the net will catch youā€™, and ā€˜what would you do if you knew you could not failā€™, and you guysā€¦ you know all the bumper stickers, you probably have them on your car, right?

We all know these slogans. But I did it with enormous sincerity, because I really believed it. I believed that I was doing a public service by telling people that they had to live their lives exactly the same way that I had always lived mine. I preached that, because that was my fundamental truth, that was my certainty. And then, something happened.

Passion vs. Curiosity

Overcoming Distraction (Squirrel!)

If you have seen the Disney/Pixar movie, ā€œUpā€œ, you probably caught the reference in todayā€™s post title. Yes, Iā€™m talking aboutā€¦ what, again? Oh, right ā€” distraction.

The Dark Side has many tricks and tools in its arsenal to keep us from living the full & abundant life God promised us. Some of those schemes include:

Discouragement | Fear | Procrastination | Gluttony | Apathy | Convenience | Mediocrity | Doubt | Ease | Instant Gratification | Laziness | Overwhelm | Pride | Greed | Lust | Anger | Jealousy

ā€¦and, of course, DISTRACTION.

The devil knows that we are easily distracted, so he uses this to keep us from doing what God asks us to do, and he slyly makes us forget what is really important. If he can distract us, then we donā€™t complete the mission we were sent here for (to make God known & bring Him glory). And that makes the devil really happy.

I have been falling prey to distraction, a lot, lately. This is part of why my blog post schedule has been somewhat erratic. Iā€™ve gotten distracted by the side-hustle Iā€™m building, the books Iā€™m reading, and the worst culprit of them all ā€” social media.

Revelation Wellness shared a quote, the other day, that really hit home, for me, on this. It said:

ā€œMy concern is that our generation will miss their destiny because
they are too busy scrolling through everyone elseā€™s.ā€ (Christine Caine)


So, how do we combat this distraction? How do we wake up? Is this even possible?

It is absolutely possible. ā€œWith God, ALL THINGS are possible!ā€ And it starts with prayer.

Actually, let me back up a bit. In reality, it starts with knowing that you have committed your life to God, by accepting His free gift of being saved from sin, through faithā€¦ which then gave you the Holy Spirit within you as your Counselor, Guide, and a sort of holy GPS system!

The Spirit will nudge you to pay attention (maybe Heā€™s using this very blog post!), and that is how you start ā€œwaking upā€ to the devilā€™s schemes. Once you start to become aware of whatā€™s going on, then you can start fighting back! And, prayer is a good place to start.

Prayer is our call to God to say, ā€œHey, I could use some supernatural help here, please!ā€ Because really, we cannot fight the devil on our own. We can try, but it wonā€™t last ā€” it doesnā€™t really work. We need Godā€™s help in this battle.

So, we pray and ask God to open our eyes to all of the ways that the Dark Side is trying to distract us and keep us from our destinies. And we ask God to give us focus and strength to combat the temptation toward those distractions. Then we need to trust that God will help us (for when we ask for something that is already Godā€™s will for us, we can have FULL confidence that weā€™ve already got it ā€” itā€™s a done deal!).

And finally, we then need to get to work, and DO what God has been asking us to doā€¦pursue that which we have been distracted from.

So again, to overcome distraction (or, any of the Dark Sideā€™s other tactics), we need to:

  1. WAKE UP
  2. PRAY

A quick example for you:

That quote from Revelation Wellness is what the Holy Spirit used to start waking me up. I recognized what had been happening (that I had been doing other things, rather than what God wants me to do), I prayed for focus and believed God would help me out, and then I took action ā€” I left my computer turned off, this morning, in order to get this blog post written FIRST, before the online world could suck me into its distractions.

Like I mentioned earlier, maybe the Spirit is using this very post to get your attention! If so, donā€™t hesitateā€¦ pray, believe, and take action, today. Itā€™s the best way to fight back against the enemy. Donā€™t let him steal another day. Youā€™ve got this!

PSā€¦ As I wrote this post, my pens kept dying! I had to switch them out twice! Obviously, the Dark Side was working hard to keep me from sharing this with you! 

Overcoming Distraction (Squirrel!)

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