Why do you need personal development? Why bother chasing after growth? Well, here are a few thoughts.
If we aren’t growing, we are remaining stagnant. Those who refuse to grow have a limited way of thinking. They become bitter and angry, and feel like the world is out to get them. They alienate the people around them, and end up pushing people away via their attitude. This just confirms their theory about the world being out to get them, and that it’s trying to make them miserable.
However, when we grow, we are renewing our mind, thinking about bigger and better possibilities, and strengthening our belief in what’s possible. And when we believe that better is possible, we act to make changes that confirm those beliefs. This, then, cycles back around and strengthens our belief that better is possible.
So, are you spiraling up, or spiraling down?
Positive change starts with the belief that change is possible (otherwise known as a “growth mindset“)* — that things can get better, and that — in whatever way, no matter how small — we can affect some of that change!
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