Transformation Through Questioning

We live in an age with an abundance of information. It comes at us from everywhere — home, church, school, work, online — it’s no wonder so many of us have lost sight of / gotten so confused about who we really are!
For a lot of my younger years, I attended church and Christian schools. It wasn’t until college that I started to learn that there were other worldviews that existed.
Throughout my twenties and thirties, a lot of time was spent maybe not “unlearning” the things I was taught, but rather seeking to take hold of what was true, and releasing what wasn’t. I needed to come to my own conclusions about what I believed, instead of blindly accepting everything others had taught me, without questioning it.
And yes, through this process of questioning and choosing, my life was transformed. It brought a maturity and a strength I hadn’t previously had.
LEAVE A COMMENT and tell me what you need to “unlearn” (or question) in order to grow.
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