
Discovering Your Top Strengths With the Clifton Strengths Assessment

Hey there! Today, we’re diving into something super cool that can totally level up your game: the Clifton Strengths Assessment. Seriously, it’s like unlocking your inner superhero.

Let’s break it down.

The Clifton Strengths Assessment is this cool thing made by the famous Gallup folks. Instead of focusing on what you’re not great at, it’s all about finding out what you rock at. Imagine a spotlight shining on your unique strengths and talents. With this info, you can craft a life that’s totally you and rock it like a pro.

Getting to Know Your Superpowers

Alright, so what’s this assessment all about? It’s a bunch of questions that help you figure out your natural skills and how your brain likes to work. Think about stuff like building relationships, coming up with smart plans, influencing others, and getting things done. After you finish, you’ll get a personalized report that shows off your top strengths.

Time to Embrace Your Awesomeness

Ready for the fun part? Once you see your results, it’s time to embrace those awesome superpowers of yours! Your strengths are like magical tools that only you have. They’re your secret sauce to success in anything you do. When you use these strengths, you’ll feel energized and unstoppable, no matter what you’re up to.

Rocking Your Strengths with Your Goals

Whether you’re aiming for a killer career, becoming your best self, or creating a totally amazing life, your strengths are your secret weapon. Use them to make smart choices that match up with what you’re amazing at. When your strengths team up with your goals, you’re basically unstoppable.

Levelling Up Your Strength Game

Here’s the cool thing: your strengths aren’t set in stone. You can totally make them even stronger! Once you know your top strengths, give them some love. Use them in all parts of your life – both personal and pro. And hey, surround yourself with people who have different strengths – they’ll help you grow even more.

Power of Teamwork

Last but not least, let’s talk about the power of your crew. Share your strengths with your pals and encourage them to do the same. Build a tribe of awesome peeps who get each other’s strengths and cheer them on. Together, you can achieve some seriously awesome stuff and lift each other up like true champs.

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So, are you ready to unlock your amazingness? Take the Clifton Strengths Assessment, embrace your strengths, and go crush those goals! You’ve got a treasure trove of talents waiting to be unleashed. Embrace your strengths, follow your passions, and let your awesomeness shine. The world is so ready for what you’ve got!

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How Working In Your “Zone of Genius“ Makes Work More Enjoyable

how working in your zone of genius makes work more enjoyable |

What’s your first reaction when you hear the word work? Do you feel a sense of dread and a low-level buzz of anxiety, or do you feel a sense of purpose, accomplishment, even excitement?

If you fall in the first camp, it’s definitely time to change your zone. And even if you are good at what you do and mostly enjoy it, changing your zone could make work an even more fulfilling experience.

According to Gay Hendrix, author of The Big Leap, there are four zones we function in: 

  1. The Zone of Incompetence: these are things you just aren’t good at.
  2. The Zone of Competence: these are things you can do, but aren’t something you are great at.
  3. The Zone of Excellence: this is where most people who enjoy work land. People in their zone of excellence are doing things they are really good at, are comfortable doing, and often can earn a really good living doing.
  4. The Zone of Genius: Someone in their Zone of Genius feels like they are exactly where they are meant to be. When they are working in this zone, they lose track of time, feel alive, feel the most like themselves. It’s the thing that they are uniquely and naturally talented at. 

People often get stuck in their Zone of Excellence, which makes sense: it’s full of things they are really good at. But eventually, people get bored in this zone. They aren’t doing the thing that makes them feel alive, the thing they were created to do. When someone can transition to their Zone of Genius—even for a small part of the day—it transforms things. Work goes from a dreaded “must-do” to an enjoyable activity. Creativity, ideas, and energy are unlocked. Lives are changed.

So: how do you figure out your Zone of Genius?

  1. Make a list of things you are good at
  2. Go through the list and highlight the items that you most look forward to, the ones that make you feel “in the zone”
  3. Look through the highlighted items for patterns. What do they have in common? 
  4. Start paying attention to how you feel when you do these tasks. What deserves to make it on a new list: Zone of Genius
  5. Think about how you can integrate items on your Zone of Genius list into your daily work. If it’s not possible in your current work situation, consider starting (or rekindling) a passion project instead. Even a few minutes a day dedicated to doing something in your Zone of Genius can make an impact.

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