
Looking Inward: The Art of Self-Reflection and Its Benefits

Looking Inward: The Art of Self-Reflection and Its Benefits |

Life can be a total whirlwind, right? Between all the stuff you gotta do, the expectations, and the never-ending to-do lists, have you ever just wanted a moment to hit pause, take a breath, and really connect with yourself? Well, guess what? You’re not alone in that feeling!

In this super fast world we live in, it’s so easy to get caught up in all the noise around us. We’re always chasing more achievements, more likes, more success. But let me tell you something, my awesome friends: real happiness isn’t in all that outside stuff. It’s deep within us.

And that’s where self-reflection comes in – it’s like having a heart-to-heart chat with your own soul. It helps you discover your dreams, your fears, your strengths – all that good stuff!

Why is self-reflection so cool?

Let me break it down for you:

  1. Getting Clarity: Life can get seriously chaotic, but self-reflection gives us this amazing gift called clarity. When you take time to understand your thoughts, feelings, and values, you’ll get to know the real you. You’ll figure out what you’re passionate about, your purpose, and where you wanna go in life.
  2. Boosting Self-Awareness: Self-reflection acts like a mirror. It shows us our actions, choices, and habits. It helps us see what’s holding us back and what’s pushing us forward. With better self-awareness, you can make choices that match your values and make you a better you.
  3. Mindfulness Magic: Self-reflection and mindfulness go together like peanut butter and jelly. When you take time to look within, you become aware of the present moment. You start appreciating the little things, finding joy in simple stuff, and feeling grateful every day.
  4. Becoming Stronger: Life throws curve-balls, but self-reflection helps us hit them out of the park! When things get tough, you tap into your inner strength. You learn from past experiences and get the courage to tackle obstacles head-on.
  5. Self-Love Boost: We’re all so busy, right? But self-reflection reminds us that self-care is important. It tells us to take a breather, show ourselves some love, and do things that make us happy.
  6. Connecting for Real: As you explore yourself, you’ll attract cool people who dig the real you. Self-reflection makes your relationships deeper. You connect on a whole new level, without pretending to be someone you’re not.

Ways to Dive Into Self-Reflection

  • Journaling: Grab a notebook and let your thoughts flow. Write about your dreams, challenges, and the things you’re grateful for. Let your feelings spill onto the pages – it’s like magic!
  • Meditation: Take a few minutes each day to chill out. Focus on your breath, let your thoughts float by, and find calm in the middle of the craziness.
  • Solo Adventures: Treat yourself! Explore a park, check out an art gallery, or hang at a cozy café. Enjoy your own company and have fun!
  • Deep Talks with Friends: Have heart-to-heart chats with pals who get the self-reflection thing. Share your journey, your thoughts, and your discoveries. You’ll build a supportive squad that’s all about growth.

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So, my fellow explorer, embrace the quiet moments, listen to your heart, and let your true self shine. Remember, the best love story you’ll ever have is the one you create with yourself. You got this!

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Unlocking the Benefits of Reading: How it Enhances Your Quality of Life

Hey there! In this fast-paced world full of distractions, reading is like a sanctuary for our minds and souls. Let’s explore the wonderful world of books together and see how they can benefit us.

How Reading Enhances Your Quality of Life

Escaping into Other Worlds

Reading takes us to different places, introduces us to interesting characters, and lets us be part of exciting stories. It’s like escaping reality for a while and giving our minds a break.

Igniting the Spark of Creativity

Books also boost our creativity and imagination. When we read, we can imagine amazing things and come up with new ideas. It encourages us to think creatively and find innovative solutions in our lives.

Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

Moreover, reading opens up a whole world of knowledge. Whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, every page has something to teach us. It broadens our horizons, challenges our thinking, and encourages us to keep learning throughout life.

Nurturing Empathy and Understanding

Books also help us understand and empathize with others. Through diverse stories, we connect with people from different backgrounds, and it teaches us to be compassionate and open-minded.

Cultivating Mindfulness and Relaxation

And don’t forget, reading is an excellent way to relax and be mindful. It’s a peaceful escape from the noise around us, and it can reduce stress and bring a sense of calm to our lives.

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So, , grab a book, dive into its pages, and experience the magic of reading to enhance your life.

LEAVE A COMMENT: What’s your favorite benefit of reading?

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Play At Your Level

Have you heard the phrase, “Stop comparing your chapter one to another’s chapter 20″?

As I was journaling, recently, I came to a realization that really jumped out at me. And it was this:

One of the reasons newer entrepreneurs get so overwhelmed and frustrated, and have no idea what to do, is because they are seeing all these other — more advanced — entrepreneurs saying “do this, this, and this“, OR telling their stories of how they did X, Y, and Z to get to where they’re at.

What these new entrepreneurs aren’t considering, however — and here’s the real “aha!” — is that the tactics and methods being touted / recommended by these other (advanced) entrepreneurs is actually “Level 30” stuff … not the “Level 1-5” stuff that would actually make sense in the beginnings of entrepreneurship!

If you haven’t yet walked through Levels 1 through 29, of course the Level 30 stuff is going to confuse, frustrate, and overwhelm you!

The problem is, a lot of those other, more experienced entrepreneurs don’t stop to think about this. So, there aren’t usually any caveats saying, “As a pre-requisite, you need to have done ___, first, or none of this is going to work for you.

There should be a clear distinction between what’s beginner-level, what’s intermediate, and what’s more advanced. And yet, there isn’t (to my knowledge, anyway).

Instead, there is so much information online, and no real (affordable) way to know — quickly! — what belongs at what level.

Some might recommend you get a coach or mentor to help you figure this out. And yet, for most new solopreneurs, the prices charged by these coaches are so far out of their budget that it feels impossible to ever get any help.

[Side note: This is one of the reasons I love my own coach, Crystal! She believes coaching should be affordable, so that those who are ready to do the work can get the help they need, without breaking the bank! Check her out, and tell her I sent you!]

One of the things I am working on doing is putting together a reference that will show you what you need to focus on at each level of your self-employment journey. This way, you won’t have to waste time trying things you’re not yet ready for (thereby, feeling like you’ve somehow “failed”), and you don’t have to worry that you’re missing a step, as you will be able to “cut through the noise“, and just do what you need to do, right now, where you’re at.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you’re at.

Theodore Roosevelt

I also offer a guide called The Heart-Led Start-Up Guidebook, which is one of these helpful resources!

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Personality Quizzes: Why I’m A Fan

I’ve long had a fascination with personality types, and I’ve taken most of the quizzes that are available. . . Myers-Briggs (MBTI), the Enneagram, DISC, StrengthsFinder, those silly BuzzFeed ones, etc. Like most people, I’m drawn to these quizzes because they give me the words that help me describe who I am, and how I interact with the world around me.

Yet, I know that these quizzes can seem like unnecessary “fluff” to some people, and there is a lot of controversy around the legitimacy of a few of them.

I don’t write this post to try and argue about whether or not these quizzes are all that accurate.

I did, however, want to share why I use them as the foundation of the work I do with my clients.

First, I know — and like to reiterate to those who work with me — that no one test will ever be 100% spot-on in describing someone. We are each as unique as our fingerprints, so these tests cannot tell us exactly who we are.

Second, I may have my clients take these tests to get their results, but that’s as far as it goes. I am not teaching anything about these quizzes (I am not a trained facilitator for any of them), nor do I dive deep into the meanings of this or that quiz result.

Third, my personal experience with personality quizzes is that, if you take enough of them, you begin to see patterns emerge. And this, right here, is exactly why my clients go through a handful of quizzes, right at the beginning of our work together!

By seeing the “bigger picture” of how you act and respond, plus your underlying motivations, we are then better able to piece together what kind of work is going to best align with who you are.

And, when you align what you do with who you are at your core, I believe you are much more likely to find consistency, clarity, meaning, and fulfillment in your day-to-day life, and you’ll know how you can serve the world in your own unique way.

Basically, you uncover your personal brand — your “special sauce”, so-to-speak.

Now, I have worked with clients in the past who really didn’t care for personality quizzes, and thought they were silly or pointless. Still, they humored me and took the tests anyway… and they ended up shocked because the results so closely depicted the way they saw themselves!

And again, I’ve gotten so much clarity and self-awareness through taking various quizzes, that I am convinced that they are a fantastic place to start.

One side note: I have also had someone take the Enneagram quiz, and then feel like God was warning her to stay away from digging any further into it. I would never want someone to go against what the Lord has told them, so I respected this gal’s wishes, and we left it alone.

However, as I mentioned previously, I’m not going to be delving into all of the meanings and uses behind these quizzes. My clients simply take the tests to get their results, and then I look it all over and use this information to help them craft a strategy and plan for the kind of work they can pursue in order to feel aligned and alive, going forward.

If you have any questions, I’d be happy to discuss them with you — drop me a comment below, or send me a message! And, if you would like to go through this self-discovery process, you can do so through my Unique Blueprint self-coaching guide.

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Enjoy The Journey

One of the things I’ve been learning, lately, is that we never truly “arrive”. Once we hit a goal, there is always another to take its place.

I used to be so focused on the outcomes — the desired end result (tbh, I still struggle with this). But it would often lead to frustration, either because that outcome always seemed too far out of reach, or because I would reach it and then not feel as exuberant as I’d expected to feel.

One of my favorite articles, by James Clear, talks about letting go of our focus on goals (aka “outcomes”), and instead, focusing on systems — in other words, the small action steps you need to take, day-by-day, to achieve those goals or outcomes.

The benefits include: (1) mastering the skills you need, in order to excel; (2) not being overwhelmed by the big end goal you’re aiming for; and (3) making incremental progress toward that desired outcome.

The Japanese call these small, continuous improvements “Kaizen” (read more about that concept here).*

Think about it this way:

If you’ve ever had a goal to lose over thirty pounds, you know that thinking about trying to get to that end goal (outcome) seems so far out of reach. It can be so overwhelming, in fact, that you think to yourself, “I’ll never get there. What’s the point of even trying?

What if you, instead, focused on the day-to-day actions you needed to take that would still — eventually — take you to that goal? For example, eating half of what you normally would at mealtimes, or making sure to move intentionally for at least thirty minutes a day. Now you’re just focused on today. And, isn’t that a lot more manageable, mentally?

Let’s look at another example:

Say you have an online business, and you need to fill up your email list (get leads), and start generating sales. Maybe your goal is to get 600 new email subscribers, because you know those people are more likely to buy from you. Yet, looking at that number (600 subscribers) seems daunting!

So, what are the daily actions you can take that will help you grow your list?

Maybe it’s reaching out to a handful of new people through social media, each day, and building relationships. Maybe you create content that attracts your ideal people to you. The more you do these small things, the more momentum you will build, and the more people you’ll find signing up for your list. Before you know it, you’ve surpassed that original goal of 600 new subscribers!

When we focus on the outcomes, we get overwhelmed and deflated.

But if we focus on the daily steps we can take to make progress, we are much more likely to enjoy the journey.

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*This post contains affiliate links. Please see my Disclaimer page for more information.

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Transformation Through Questioning

We live in an age with an abundance of information. It comes at us from everywhere — home, church, school, work, online — it’s no wonder so many of us have lost sight of / gotten so confused about who we really are!

For a lot of my younger years, I attended church and Christian schools. It wasn’t until college that I started to learn that there were other worldviews that existed.

Throughout my twenties and thirties, a lot of time was spent maybe not “unlearning” the things I was taught, but rather seeking to take hold of what was true, and releasing what wasn’t. I needed to come to my own conclusions about what I believed, instead of blindly accepting everything others had taught me, without questioning it.

And yes, through this process of questioning and choosing, my life was transformed. It brought a maturity and a strength I hadn’t previously had.

LEAVE A COMMENT and tell me what you need to “unlearn” (or question) in order to grow.

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