Changing Things Up for 2022

It has been a long time since I’ve written a blog post. But I plan to write many more in the months & weeks to come! First, to give you a bit of the backstory…
For quite a while now, social media has really been getting under my skin. I’ve longed for the simpler days of blogging, where communities formed in the comments, and we weren’t all controlled by an algorithm.
I’ve been saying to people, for a couple of years, that I wanted to return to blogging (I’d spent eight years as a book blogger, prior to 2013), but hadn’t yet made the leap. But things really were pushing me to the limit.
Over the final two weeks of December 2021, I decided to take a break from posting on social media. And it ended up being really insightful. The pause helped me to see how much “pressure” I’d felt around trying to adhere to some unspoken standard there. It felt great to escape.
And, to be honest, I’m still not ready to go back.
I am, however, excited to begin blogging, again!
One of the main things you can expect to see here, over the next little while, is more book-related content. Reason being, I love to read and to learn. Yet, in the last several years, I’ve not made as much time for reading as I’d have liked. As such, I’m attempting to remedy that, going forward!
I also want to share what I have been learning (and have yet to learn) about being a solopreneur, and about finding your life’s purpose.
Because so much of our life is spent working, I believe it’s critical that we enjoy what we do. Work shouldn’t be some drudgery that we have to force ourselves to attend to, week after week — that’s no way to live! Instead, I’m all about helping you discover your purpose and your true identity, so you can love what you do, and live life to the fullest!

I do hope you’ll join me. I would love to gather a community, here, of creatives who are living out their purpose, and who consider themselves to be lifelong learners, like me.
Feel free to get my blog posts delivered straight to your Inbox every week, by [clicking here].
I can’t wait to see what this new year brings!
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TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS: What are your thoughts about social media, these days? Are you tired of the noise, too?
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