Truly Yourself

It can be so difficult to fully be yourself — especially when this world is constantly trying to shape us into something we’re not.
Yet, just because something is difficult, doesn’t mean it’s impossible. It simply means we need to be more intentional … more aware.
I recently had the realization that, for far too long, I’ve allowed myself to be dragged along by the “shoulds” — I “should” do this, or be that, if I want to have a “successful” business.
And in the process, I forgot who I am.
Thanks to nudges from the Spirit, I’ve been reminded of the real me, and I’m working at bringing her out of hiding.
For example, instead of being so tightly wound and trying to control everything around me, I’m releasing my grip and surrendering to the flow. Instead of being driven by others’ “shoulds“, I’m asking myself what works best for me.
I truly believe — at my core — that we can be successful (more so!) by being fully ourselves . . . doing what works for us, as individuals, rather than copying others, or conforming to some societal standard.
What works for someone else isn’t necessarily going to work for you.
And this is why it’s so vital that you understand yourself fully. After all, how can you decide what does or doesn’t work for you if you don’t even know yourself?
So, where do you even start?
I started getting to know myself through a mix of personality quizzes (Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, etc.)*, journaling for reflection, and asking God to show me who He created me to be.
*[Note regarding personality quizzes: No one test is ever going to be completely, 100% accurate in describing you, as we are all unique. However, I still find it extremely valuable to take a handful of these tests, as it helps you start to see patterns, and realize what really is true of you].
All in all, don’t let society drown out the real you. Stay alert to its influence, and get to know all of the facets of what makes you, you, and then be intentional about remaining true to yourself.
Life is a lot easier when you know who you are!