non-conformity; unconventional paths; multi-passionate; generalist; do what works for you (DWWFY); introverts; Millennial women; personality; self-awareness; identity;

Discovering Your Top Strengths With the Clifton Strengths Assessment

Hey there! Today, we’re diving into something super cool that can totally level up your game: the Clifton Strengths Assessment. Seriously, it’s like unlocking your inner superhero.

Let’s break it down.

The Clifton Strengths Assessment is this cool thing made by the famous Gallup folks. Instead of focusing on what you’re not great at, it’s all about finding out what you rock at. Imagine a spotlight shining on your unique strengths and talents. With this info, you can craft a life that’s totally you and rock it like a pro.

Getting to Know Your Superpowers

Alright, so what’s this assessment all about? It’s a bunch of questions that help you figure out your natural skills and how your brain likes to work. Think about stuff like building relationships, coming up with smart plans, influencing others, and getting things done. After you finish, you’ll get a personalized report that shows off your top strengths.

Time to Embrace Your Awesomeness

Ready for the fun part? Once you see your results, it’s time to embrace those awesome superpowers of yours! Your strengths are like magical tools that only you have. They’re your secret sauce to success in anything you do. When you use these strengths, you’ll feel energized and unstoppable, no matter what you’re up to.

Rocking Your Strengths with Your Goals

Whether you’re aiming for a killer career, becoming your best self, or creating a totally amazing life, your strengths are your secret weapon. Use them to make smart choices that match up with what you’re amazing at. When your strengths team up with your goals, you’re basically unstoppable.

Levelling Up Your Strength Game

Here’s the cool thing: your strengths aren’t set in stone. You can totally make them even stronger! Once you know your top strengths, give them some love. Use them in all parts of your life – both personal and pro. And hey, surround yourself with people who have different strengths – they’ll help you grow even more.

Power of Teamwork

Last but not least, let’s talk about the power of your crew. Share your strengths with your pals and encourage them to do the same. Build a tribe of awesome peeps who get each other’s strengths and cheer them on. Together, you can achieve some seriously awesome stuff and lift each other up like true champs.

. . . . . . . . . .

So, are you ready to unlock your amazingness? Take the Clifton Strengths Assessment, embrace your strengths, and go crush those goals! You’ve got a treasure trove of talents waiting to be unleashed. Embrace your strengths, follow your passions, and let your awesomeness shine. The world is so ready for what you’ve got!

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What Is Self-Awareness & Why Is It Important?

What is Self-Awareness, and Why Is It Important? |

Have you ever stopped to wonder exactly why you do the things you do? Think back to the last time you had a really bad day. Maybe you ended up going home and eating a whole package of Oreos. And then thirty minutes later, realized eating them didn’t solve your problem or make you feel any better? Or perhaps last time you felt particularly overwhelmed, instead of starting to chip away at your to-do list, you binge-watched an entire season (or two) of a show. And when you finally turned off Netflix, felt even more overwhelmed because you just wasted hours and accomplished nothing?

If you are nodding along and thinking, “Yes. Sometimes it feels like life just happens to me and I don’t have any control over it,” I’d like to teach you a different way.

It’s called self-awareness and you’ve probably heard the word before—it’s one of those words that seems to get thrown around a lot, along with self-care and other buzzy words. But if you are ready to change some patterns in your life, it’s a term you need to get very familiar with.

The patterns you want to change don’t have to be eating junk food or your screen habits. It might be a pattern in your relationships, or the way you react to certain situations. To start making changes, you have to become self-aware. This isn’t a one-time, check-it-off-the-list type situation. It’s going to be a process, and according to author Mark Manson, there are three levels of self-awareness you need to move through.

Level 1: Choosing feeling over distraction.

We live in a world full of distractions. We carry around distractions in our pocket. If we’re bored in a grocery line or waiting room, we pull out our phones. If the conversation around us gets boring, we can tune into a different conversation online. If we get into a fight with a friend or have a bad day at work, there are endless options to forget: a new show, mind-numbing hours of Candy Crush, scrolling our favorite websites. And that’s not mentioning all the distractions that existed well before the internet: food, alcohol, and hundreds of other things can help us hide our true feelings. The first step to becoming more self-aware is to realize when we are choosing distraction instead of feeling—and then make a different choice. It’s not that you have to completely ditch your favorite distractions, but rather choosing to not let them cover up your feelings. Recognize when you are using distractions to not feel something. And then, let yourself feel that thing.

Level 2: Uncovering your feelings.

Once you’ve chosen feeling over distraction, it’s time to start figuring out what your feelings mean. Is your heart racing because you are anxious or because you are angry? Are you feeling overwhelmed or are you using your to-do list to hide the fact that you are actually terrified about taking a risk? Naming and understanding what you are feeling is crucial to the process of becoming more self-aware. When you understand your emotions, you are better able to recognize why you do the things you do.

Level 3: Recognizing your weaknesses.

As we start choosing feelings over distractions, and uncovering just what those feelings are, we can start to uncover patterns and weaknesses in ourselves. We can recognize that maybe it’s not a good idea to make decisions when we’re hungry (or before coffee). We can see that when we have a bad day at work, we bring it home. Until we understand these things about ourselves, it’s hard to know how to break bad habits and patterns.

Once you’ve moved through these three levels, the goal is to move towards accepting yourself. As you become more aware of your feelings and weaknesses, you also become more aware of how to be more empathetic and compassionate towards yourself—and others.

The journey towards self-awareness is going to take work. There’s no set amount of time at each level, and your path might be more of a winding road than a straight shot through the three levels. But once you’ve become aware of your feelings and weaknesses, you’ll have a clearer view of who you are. And this will help you be more confident, more decisive, and able to make consistent progress towards creating the life you want.

Self-awareness is a practice, something you can constantly be cultivating and improving. A few tips to try on the journey towards improving your self-awareness:

  • Think about the last stressful situation you were in. How did you respond? If you’d gone into the situation knowing it was going to be stressful, how could you have prepared yourself differently? If your last stressful situation was a tough conversation with a boss or a loved one, think about how you could have prepared yourself differently. If you’d scheduled twenty minutes to take a walk afterwards to clear your head instead of jumping straight into your next commitment, how might that have changed the experience for you?
  • Become intentional about eliminating distractions so you can pay more attention to what’s happening in the moment. Put your phone somewhere you can’t easily access it. Do you always have the television on in the background? Practice leaving it off for twenty or thirty minutes at a time and build up to longer time periods (if you really need something in the background, opt for instrumental music instead).
  • Journal. You’ll be surprised at what you can uncover by taking time to journal. If everyday journaling doesn’t appeal to you, consider trying it when you are having trouble making a decision or dealing with a stressful situation.

As you learn to cultivate self-awareness, you’ll move further down the path of creating a life you love.

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How Working In Your “Zone of Genius“ Makes Work More Enjoyable

how working in your zone of genius makes work more enjoyable |

What’s your first reaction when you hear the word work? Do you feel a sense of dread and a low-level buzz of anxiety, or do you feel a sense of purpose, accomplishment, even excitement?

If you fall in the first camp, it’s definitely time to change your zone. And even if you are good at what you do and mostly enjoy it, changing your zone could make work an even more fulfilling experience.

According to Gay Hendrix, author of The Big Leap, there are four zones we function in: 

  1. The Zone of Incompetence: these are things you just aren’t good at.
  2. The Zone of Competence: these are things you can do, but aren’t something you are great at.
  3. The Zone of Excellence: this is where most people who enjoy work land. People in their zone of excellence are doing things they are really good at, are comfortable doing, and often can earn a really good living doing.
  4. The Zone of Genius: Someone in their Zone of Genius feels like they are exactly where they are meant to be. When they are working in this zone, they lose track of time, feel alive, feel the most like themselves. It’s the thing that they are uniquely and naturally talented at. 

People often get stuck in their Zone of Excellence, which makes sense: it’s full of things they are really good at. But eventually, people get bored in this zone. They aren’t doing the thing that makes them feel alive, the thing they were created to do. When someone can transition to their Zone of Genius—even for a small part of the day—it transforms things. Work goes from a dreaded “must-do” to an enjoyable activity. Creativity, ideas, and energy are unlocked. Lives are changed.

So: how do you figure out your Zone of Genius?

  1. Make a list of things you are good at
  2. Go through the list and highlight the items that you most look forward to, the ones that make you feel “in the zone”
  3. Look through the highlighted items for patterns. What do they have in common? 
  4. Start paying attention to how you feel when you do these tasks. What deserves to make it on a new list: Zone of Genius
  5. Think about how you can integrate items on your Zone of Genius list into your daily work. If it’s not possible in your current work situation, consider starting (or rekindling) a passion project instead. Even a few minutes a day dedicated to doing something in your Zone of Genius can make an impact.

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5 Creative Ways to Monetize Your Passion

Side hustles. The gig economy. It seems like everyone is talking about ways to make money doing what you love these days. If you’ve been wanting to try and see if you, too, can make money off your passions, read on for 5 creative ideas!

Make a product: If you love to make things, consider selling them. Bake cupcakes, hand-pour candles, make small batch soap, or start painting–there are thousands of options! Think of ways you can put a little twist on your product to make it stand out from others: maybe each bar of soap has a prize inside or instead of painting on canvas you are painting tote bags or the covers of journals. Once you’ve determined your product and your creative twist,  start an Etsy shop or look around your town for somewhere where you can rent a booth or participate in pop-up markets.

Share your expertise: What are you an expert in? Do you keep up with all the latest social media trends? Are you a stickler for grammar? Or is organizing closets and garages your idea of a perfect Saturday? These are all things people will pay you to do for them! You can use sites like Upwork or Fiverr to find virtual jobs, or local Facebook groups or NextDoor to find in-person opportunities.

Create content: It isn’t the fastest way to make money, but it can be lucrative for those who are able to find and connect with an audience. Consider starting a blog, podcast, or a YouTube channel to try out earning with advertising revenue. Or, if you have content you think people will pay directly for, perhaps setting up a Patreon account or creating a course to sell is the way to go. 

Print on Demand: If you love graphic design or art, but don’t want to deal with the hassle of an inventory-based business, consider uploading your designs to print-on-demand sites like Society 6 or Spoonflower. Your cut may be smaller than if you were handling the whole process, but once you get your art uploaded, it can be a relatively passive income stream.

Flip Items: If you can spend hours hunting for treasures at estate sales, yard sales, and thrift stores, consider flipping items. If you have a good eye for finding diamonds in the rough, you might be able to make some money turning one person’s trash into someone else’s treasure. Utilize Facebook’s Buy-Sell-Trade groups or Marketplace, apps like Poshmark, or if finding vintage knickknacks is your specialty, consider renting space in your local antique store. 

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t start making money right away; it can take time to build up a business. But with a little hard work and imagination, you can move some of your favorite activities from hobby to money-making venture. 

Do you have an experience monetizing your passions? If you have creative money-making tips or ideas of your own, drop them in the comments!

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How to Deal With Conflicting Advice Online

Have you ever gone searching for advice on the internet? You find a great article or blog post, read it enthusiastically, taking note of all you need to do. Then… you click to another post you’d bookmarked. When you start reading, you realize that the advice is exactly the opposite of what you just read. 

What to do?

First—do a gut check. Does one set of advice resonate with you more strongly? If you have an “off” feeling about what you are being told to do, there’s a reason… trust your instinct. There is lots of great information online… but there are also a lot of people out there trying to scam you, seeing if they can make a “get rich quick” scheme work for them, or just spreading misinformation. Pay attention to whose advice you are trusting and how it makes you feel. 

Second—remember that you are a unique individual. The exact way someone else does things probably isn’t going to be the exact best way for you to work. It’s okay to mix and match advice. Following someone else’s path isn’t the key to your success. Discern which advice is going to work for you and your lifestyle. If you are waking up with young kids throughout the night, an early morning power work session might not work for you—no matter how easy that blogger or influencer makes it look. 

Finally—trial and error is okay! It’s a great way to learn. If you see something you get really excited about, and try it out only to realize it’s not for you… no problem. Consider it a learning experience and move on to the next thing. 


Mix and match. 

Try and see. Before long you’ll be ready to give your own advice on the internet—just remember that it won’t be the right advice for everyone!

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5 Signs You Need to Slow Down

If you think you don’t have time to slow down—think again. It’s easy to get caught up in hustle culture and think you always need to be going, going, going. But while you might feel productive doing more, more, more, this line of thinking will hurt you in the long run. If you don’t take time to take care of yourself, relax, and recharge, you’ll end up burned out—or worse, sick and unable to chase your dreams.

Here are five signs it’s time for you to slow down:

PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS: Have you ever experienced an unexplained racing heart, nausea at the thought of your to do list, intense fatigue or insomnia? Any of these symptoms could be a sign that you need to take some time to care for yourself. Anxiety can trigger a racing heart and nausea, while fatigue and insomnia both can be signs of burnout and depression. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s time to write “call the doctor” on your to-do list. While rest and relaxation are a great starting place for resolving these issues, it’s important to get a check-up to make sure none of these symptoms are signs of a bigger problem! 

UNHEALTHY HABITS: Think about the last time you got eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, were able to get a workout in, or cooked a healthy meal. If any (or all) of these things seem like distant dreams, it’s time to pause and assess how you can rearrange your time. We’ve all heard the cliche: “Put on your own oxygen mask first.” It’s a cliche for a reason—because it’s true. If you don’t take time to prioritize your health, before long you won’t be able to fulfill your responsibilities. What changes can you make that will help you replace your unhealthy habits with healthy ones? All-nighters and junk food might get you through the next deadline, but they won’t serve you well long term.

OVERWHELM: Do you often feel overwhelmed, like you’ll never catch up or can’t even figure out where to start? If just looking at your to-do list sends a wave of panic over you, it’s a sign you need to slow down, take a deep breath, and take some time to create a plan. As Dale Carnegie said, “An hour of planning can save you ten hours of doing.” Don’t run three errands when you could run one, or waste time trying to multitask when five dedicated minutes could knock a task off your list. Instead of letting disorganization steal your time and overwhelm you, try these three simple tricks to help you move from scattered to focused. 

LESS THAN 100%: Get really honest with yourself for a minute—are you giving your best to your responsibilities (both personal and professional) or are you cutting corners because you are too over-committed? If you aren’t giving your best, it’s time to stop and think about what you may need to trim from your life. Just because you enjoyed a volunteer opportunity or social commitment five years ago doesn’t mean you need to stay committed to it for the rest of your life. You can also think about this in terms of what you could pay someone else to do: is a subscription for grocery pickup or delivery worth the amount of time you’ll get back when you don’t have to spend an hour at the store every week? Would paying a neighbourhood kid to mow the lawn give them a little extra spending money and you some much-needed time to work on your business? Find the places where you can create a little margin in your life—when you have some breathing room, you’ll be able to devote more energy and attention to the important things.

LACK OF FUN: When’s the last time you did something just because you enjoyed it? Are you constantly rushing from task to task or are you taking time to enjoy life? If you don’t have time for hobbies, friends, or other things that fulfill you outside of work, it’s time to slow down and figure out how to make space for those things. Stop and think about the last time you did something just for fun. If you can’t remember, grab your calendar right now and find some blank space. Brainstorm a list of things you’d love to do but don’t ever have time for—that art exhibit you’ve been dying to see, a long walk on your favorite trail, a night out with your friends. Pick one and write it on your calendar. Treat that time block just like you would treat an important meeting. Now look ahead and schedule another thing from your list. Life is meant to be enjoyed—if you are constantly speeding through it, you are missing beautiful moments you’ll never get back.

Slowing down doesn’t mean you are giving up on your dreams or that you’ll get less done. Taking time to care for yourself can actually boost your creativity and productivity. Go ahead, give it a try—you’ll be amazed at how much more fun life is when you have the time and energy to enjoy it! 

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Feeling Scattered? Try These 3 Simple Tricks To Get Clarity

We all have days (or weeks) where we are scattered and overwhelmed, where we feel pulled in too many directions. Maybe you have a million ideas and don’t know which one to start with. Maybe you feel like you are sinking under the weight of undone tasks. Or maybe, every time you find a minute to start on an important project you get interrupted, and finding focus seems impossible.

Whatever the reason, here are three simple tricks to try when you are feeling scattered.


Whether you can only squeeze in a quick walk around the block, or you are able to head to a local trail for a longer stroll, getting outside and moving your body will help clear the fog. Leave your phone at home (or put it on do not disturb). Resist the temptation to turn on music or a podcast. Just let your mind wander. See what pops to the surface. You might be surprised by the solutions to nagging problems that your brain comes up with during a walk. Did you know there is a link between walking and creative thinking? Sometimes a brief change of scenery and a little fresh air is all you need to regain focus.


You can turn this into an experience by lighting a candle and sitting down with your favorite notepad, fanciest pen, and drink of choice—or you can just grab a sheet of printer paper and the nearest pen. Though there are lots of list-making apps out there, consider doing this the old-fashioned way: research shows that writing by hand improves your memory.

Once you’ve collected your supplies, start writing — write anything that comes to mind, no matter how big or small. Flip through your planner, scroll through your emails and texts, and get every single to-do down on paper. Nothing is too small to add to the list. Don’t worry about it looking pretty—just focus on getting everything floating around in your head down on paper.

Once you have your list drafted, you might want to break it down into a few categories. Grab your highlighters to color code, or get out a new sheet of paper to make a clean copy. You can organize by category (work, home, project) or by type of task (email, phone call, errand).

Then start small. What on this list can be done in five minutes or less? Set a timer for twenty minutes and knock off as many as you can.

Next, prioritize what’s left. Decide what’s urgent and what can wait. Break down the bigger projects into smaller steps, make a plan—and don’t forget to write your plan down!


Both physical and digital clutter can make you feel scattered, and calming the chaos will help you find clarity.

  • Is your overflowing inbox keeping you from seeing the emails you really need? Unsubscribe is your friend.
  • Have emails you don’t need to see every day but want to keep for reference? Set up folders and file them away.
  • Is social media too much for you right now? Constantly consuming others’ content can make it difficult to figure out what direction you need to go. Think about who you are following and consider how they make you feel. It might be time to unfollow or mute accounts that aren’t serving you.

If you are feeling especially overwhelmed every time you open social media, think about taking a break—a week off is a great place to start—or setting a dedicated time away from those apps each week. Think about logging off during the weekends or choosing to stay offline for a certain time block during the day.

Physical clutter can make you feel scattered too. Is your kitchen counter piled with bills? Set a timer for twenty minutes and see what you can sort through. Stand right by the trash can while you sort so you can get rid of the junk immediately. Is there an area of your house that stresses you out the most when it’s a mess? Because the kitchen is a hub of activity, people often find that keeping the kitchen clean and clutter-free is more impactful than any other area of the home. Take a few minutes to tackle the clutter and get ready to find clarity!

Next time you are feeling scattered, don’t let yourself spin further out into chaos. Instead, take a deep breath and pick one of these simple tricks to start regaining control of your day.

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Are You Multi-Passionate? Here’s How to Tell

Let’s see if any of these statements sounds familiar to you:

  • I can never stick to anything
  • I know I should focus on one thing, but which one?
  • I keep going off on a tangent!
  • I lose interest in things I thought would interest me forever
  • I get bored as soon as I know how to do something
  • I keep changing my mind about what I want to do & end up doing nothing
  • I work at low-paying jobs because there’s nothing I’m willing to commit to
  • I won’t choose a career because it might be the wrong one
  • I pull away from what I’m doing because I’m afraid I’ll miss something better
  • I’m too busy, but when I do find time, I can’t remember what I wanted to do!

You are genetically wired to be interested in many things, and that’s exactly what you’ve been trying to do! [But] because your behavior is unfamiliar & unsettling to the people around you, you’ve been taught that you’re doing something wrong, and you must try to change. . . And, unless you know who you are, you’re going to agree with them!

Refuse to Choose by Barbara Sher

I recall when I first learned about being multi-passionate, back in 2012, when I came across the book, “The Renaissance Soul” by Margaret Lobenstine. As I read, I remember feeling such relief — there wasn’t something “wrong” with me, after all … and better yet, there were lots of others out there, just like me!

Over the years, as I’ve learned more about being multi-passionate, and as I’ve seen more and more people writing about these personality traits, I’ve come to recognize that we really aren’t all that “odd”. In fact, I’d even venture to say that it’s the “Specialists” (those who’ve always known what they wanted to do and could stick with something for a lifetime) who are the rarity.

Think about it: How many people in your sphere of friends, family, and acquaintances have always stuck with ONE thing? I’d bet they are few and far between!

So, if you read through the list above and could see yourself as a multi-passionate individual, congratulations … you are completely normal! 😛


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Finding Your Way As a Multi-Passionate Creative

As a multi-passionate creative, it can be extremely tough to narrow down what you want to do. How do you choose which idea to pursue when you have so many, and when they all sound so interesting?

Since we obviously can’t pursue every idea all at once, we need to practice patience. Then, I believe, we need to follow our curiosity.

In my eight years (thus far) of self-employment, I’ve done just that — followed my curiosity.

I originally started with what I knew: I’d gone to school for office administration, and had worked as a secretary for several years. I’d also been a book blogger and independent book reviewer for the previous eight years. So, my first business idea was to be a Virtual Assistant for authors.

Yet, as I spoke to the various authors I met, I discovered that what they most needed help with was marketing and promotion. So, I shifted my business to help these authors get their books seen.

After about a year, I was restless. I knew that doing this kind of work wasn’t the best fit for me, so I questioned what I’d rather be doing. And, with some journaling and self-reflection, I decided to try being a professional blogger.

This didn’t really take off, though, as I would’ve needed a larger audience in order for the ads and affiliate programs to even be available to me, or for them to produce a worthwhile income. So, it was back to the drawing board.

After more self-reflection and journaling, I realized that I had always felt drawn to things like coaching, advising, and mentoring. So, I figured I would try coaching, especially since people seemed to be able to get started in this fairly easily.

Much to my surprise, I landed my first client within the same week! (I had made mention of my new services on Facebook, inside of a group, during one of their promo days, and found someone from that).

Turns out, I had found a piece of my puzzle (the bigger picture of how I was created to serve, using my innate gifts). Coaching felt like what I was meant to do.

► RELATED: Find YOUR unique blueprint for how you can best serve the world, here.

Part way through my first year of coaching, however, I got distracted when a friend (re-)introduced me to network marketing (NWM). [I’d been an independent consultant with The Pampered Chef years before, but hadn’t realized it was part of the larger industry known as network marketing].

Thus began three (3) years of trying to continue building my own coaching business, while also chasing the network marketing opportunity. And, in that same time frame, I ended up testing out seven different NWM companies, looking for one that fit me best… to no avail. (I have since come to realize that it’s because marketing isn’t one of my core strengths.)

My time spent pursuing that industry did teach me a lot about running an online business, mind you. And it helped me to learn more about what does and doesn’t work for me. Plus, as an added bonus, I met a lot of amazing people through NWM — including my own coach, Crystal!

As of 2020, I finally stopped trying to force myself to fit an ideal I’d held in my mind’s eye, and I admitted to myself that NWM wasn’t where I was supposed to be. I also realized that I couldn’t properly build 2 separate businesses at the same time — especially not if I wanted to do things well. Instead, I needed to devote all of my time, energy, and attention to growing just one of them, first. And once that business was running successfully, then I could choose to take on something else, if I still wished to do so.

Sure enough, once I began to give all of myself to my coaching business, I started to make progress, again.

Now, has it been completely easy? No.

Have I decided on a single idea to pursue, at the expense of all the others? Also no.

I still get new ideas all the time! And some do seriously tempt me to change my course.

However, I have done so much self-reflection, searching, and journaling in the past eight years, in order to understand who I am and how I am wired to best use my gifts to make an impact & income, that most of the new ideas that cross my path, now, just aren’t appealing enough to pull me away from the business model I am currently focused on pursuing.

If you need help getting that same level of clarity, so that you can be content with the path that best fits you, check out my “My Unique Blueprint” mini-course. It will walk you through the same process I went through, and help you to find your best-fit path to making an impact and an income (but it won’t take you seven years, like it took me!).

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Play At Your Level

Have you heard the phrase, “Stop comparing your chapter one to another’s chapter 20″?

As I was journaling, recently, I came to a realization that really jumped out at me. And it was this:

One of the reasons newer entrepreneurs get so overwhelmed and frustrated, and have no idea what to do, is because they are seeing all these other — more advanced — entrepreneurs saying “do this, this, and this“, OR telling their stories of how they did X, Y, and Z to get to where they’re at.

What these new entrepreneurs aren’t considering, however — and here’s the real “aha!” — is that the tactics and methods being touted / recommended by these other (advanced) entrepreneurs is actually “Level 30” stuff … not the “Level 1-5” stuff that would actually make sense in the beginnings of entrepreneurship!

If you haven’t yet walked through Levels 1 through 29, of course the Level 30 stuff is going to confuse, frustrate, and overwhelm you!

The problem is, a lot of those other, more experienced entrepreneurs don’t stop to think about this. So, there aren’t usually any caveats saying, “As a pre-requisite, you need to have done ___, first, or none of this is going to work for you.

There should be a clear distinction between what’s beginner-level, what’s intermediate, and what’s more advanced. And yet, there isn’t (to my knowledge, anyway).

Instead, there is so much information online, and no real (affordable) way to know — quickly! — what belongs at what level.

Some might recommend you get a coach or mentor to help you figure this out. And yet, for most new solopreneurs, the prices charged by these coaches are so far out of their budget that it feels impossible to ever get any help.

[Side note: This is one of the reasons I love my own coach, Crystal! She believes coaching should be affordable, so that those who are ready to do the work can get the help they need, without breaking the bank! Check her out, and tell her I sent you!]

One of the things I am working on doing is putting together a reference that will show you what you need to focus on at each level of your self-employment journey. This way, you won’t have to waste time trying things you’re not yet ready for (thereby, feeling like you’ve somehow “failed”), and you don’t have to worry that you’re missing a step, as you will be able to “cut through the noise“, and just do what you need to do, right now, where you’re at.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you’re at.

Theodore Roosevelt

I also offer a guide called The Heart-Led Start-Up Guidebook, which is one of these helpful resources!

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